About the Norwegian Forest Cat, Introduction
They are big and firmly build, the females smaller than the males. The body is long with long legs, hind legs longer than the fore legs. Strong bone structure. The paws are round with big claws, long hair grows between the toes, the long claws and toes enables them to climb rocks and trees easily. Norwegian Forest Cats can climb down a tree head first. It takes over 3 year to fully mature.
The head:
The head is triangular with equal sides and in proportion to the body. The nose should be long and straight, without a dip. The lenght of the nose is a bid shorter than the lenght of the fore head and the nose is wider between the eyes than at the tip. The yaw line should gradually widen from the tip of the nose to the yaw at the ears.
The tail:
Long and fluffy, like a fox. When pulled over the back of the cat, the tail should reach the neck. The last vertebra should be between the shoulder blades.
The eyes:
Big and open, slightly tilted. All colours are permitted, preferably matching with the fur. Their eyes should be bright and open, not too round like a Persian, and not too 'oriental' like a Siamese.
The ears:
Placed high, sharp, open and preferrably with tufs, like a Lynx. Also with long hairs growing from within. The ears are pointed slightly outwards, and the outer rim is in lining up with the yaw.
The fur:
Semi long and doubble (a under and a top fur).A clear distinction between summer and winter fur, only the tail remains fluffy. In winter time there is a full collar, long hair on the hind legs and a very fluffy tail. In summer time the fur is shorter and there is almost no under fur. Sometimes only the tail tells it is a semi long fur cat. The length of the fur is also determined by the pedigree. Temperature and amount of sunlight are of great influence on the length of the fur. The water repellent top fur prevents cat of getting wet and if so is dry again in no time.
All colors are permitted, except the 'Siamese' colors and paterns. The amount of white is not important, the type and quality of the fur are of more importance than the paterns and colors.
Character and Care:
Despite its wilde looks the Norwegian Forest Cat is also a house cat. They are very cuddly and loves to sit on your lap even if you are not into it. They can be easily kept in an appartment, but just like any cat he has to be able to run and play, make use of his energy (and that's quite a lot). A kennel connected to the house, or a fenced balcony would be ideal. A pole to scratch and climb is very useful. Norwegians are gentle with playing, they like people and are very smart.
The fur needs little care. A regular groom is always useful, this prevents knits, specially in autumn and spring when they moult. There is no need to wash them, this ruins the water repellent quality.
Breeding Norwegian Forest Cats should remain focussed on the preservation of the original type, not to strive to a new more extreme type. A natural pureblood should not be changed. Alterations in type, like the Siamese cat between the fifties and now are not recommended for the Norwegian. Slight changes have always occurred, but were more focussed on better specifying the race. The interpretation of race standards by the judges on cat shows can lead to small shifts over time in the appearance of the Norwegian Forest Cat.
Interbreeding is not to be recommended at all, the Norwegian is a pureblood and its characteristics will be lost.